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School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page.

What is the School Council?

A school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) -Respect for views of the child.


At Brookfield Primary Academy our school council is a group of children that represents the views of all our pupils. It gives our children the opportunity to have their voices heard and be part of the whole school community. They help to makes decisions about school life and organise projects that support learning and development, such as organising charity events, theme days or representing the school at outside events.

We value the opinions of our pupils and our school council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with our school council teacher representative (Miss Cook) Our Principal (Miss Dunning) and other members of staff.


Who are the School Council representatives?

A new school council is elected each year and is made up of 2 representatives from each class from Year 1 to Year 6. All school council representatives are elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic year.


Miss Lisa Crook School Council (Teacher representative)

I am very proud to lead our School Council. We have amazing children in our school who have lots of great ideas on how we can work together to make a better school.  They do all the hard work and like to get involved as much as possible…making my job a bit easier! We have children from Year 6 all the way down to Year 1. We want to make sure that all children’s voices are heard in our school.  We meet on a weekly basis to discuss ideas and events. I am very fortunate to work with a great group of children this year and I know we are going to achieve a lot for our school!

School council aims:

  • To meet regularly to discuss their views and be heard.
  • To organise whole school and class events
  • To organise charity days
  • To make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all of our children
  • To make sure children have a place to voice their concerns, opinions, and thoughts
  • To encourage all children in school to suggest ideas and improvements
  • To ensure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upo


Our School Council 2024-2025


Weekly Minutes

13th November 2024

We made posters to advertise the Battery Hunt and the Christmas present fundraiser. We discussed our task for next week, which is to make a list with their class of ideas that they think we should work on to improve over the academic year.  


23rd October 2024

Discussed the 'The Battery hunt' and the ideas for Christmas presents for parents.

TASK: To give feedback to the class about this and make posters to put around school in the next meeting.




Our school council 2023-2024:


What have we been up to?

Weekly Meeting Minutes

5th June 2024

On friends day Wednesday we raised £270 for friendship benches. We will be ordering a bench in the near future. We spoke about encouraging the great battery.

We spoke about how successful we have been in applying for the Acron project. A order is going to be placed in the upcoming week with our £250 cheque. 

The council representatives were discussing feedback from speaking to their class about our DOJO Shop. We also discussed prizes that they feel would be appropriate. We also discussed a letter to go out for sweets/allergies.

The school council then met with Miss Tilbrook our Art Lead to discuss our Art Gallery at Brookfield. This will give us more money for resources in school. Miss Tilbrook and the school council drafted a letter today to go out to parents. The letter will be going out by the end of this week.

We are very proud of our school council who are making a huge difference!


15th May 2024

We discussed 'FriendsDayWednesday' The school council need to promote this with their class this week. Miss Crook to promote by email and Facebook. The school council to make posters in Golden Time. The school council discussed an email received from Mrs Platts about the use of plastic in school we will add this to our agenda for later in the year. 

The children are promoting bringing in batteries to school really well.

Next steps (jobs to do in class)

Promote Friendsdaywednesday in class

Feedback to the class about the big battery hunt,Count the batteries brought in so far and add them to the register online (in school meeting)

Share names for the DOJO shop. - collect name ideas for the DOJO shop.

Wednesday - The school council run the assembly at 10am




8th May 2024

We discussed our new behaviour policy for Autumn term again and the school council are keen to share ideas with their class.

Tasks: Prepare a list of names so that we can vote on a shop name for our DOJO Points shop.

Feedback to your class and promote the 'Big Battery Hunt'


Next steps

Prepare the vote for the shop

Make posters for the battery hunt

Meet with Miss Tilbrook

Feedback around funding and after school clubs


2nd May 2024

We discussed our new behaviour policy for Autumn Term. The children are keen to get involved and present to the school in assembly. The children like the idea of DOJO's and a shop to spend their points. They were thinking of names for the shop 'Brookfield Bar' Brookfield Booth' 'BJ MAX'

The children expressed that Golden Time is often loud and boring. They said that children get far too hyper. They like the idea of Mindfullness time which can be chosen by the class with time to reflect on behaviour over the week, The children are keen on deciding their sanctions during reflection time. They are excited by the points and prizes.

Activities in mindfulness they think should include

Play dough

Relaxing music




time outdoors

The children are keen on researching prizes and prices and making a vote for the name of the DOJO Shop.

24th and 25th April 2024

The school council spent their lunchtime applying for the Acron funding to begin cheerleading and Multisports after school club and dinner club.

17th April 2024

The council met today and discussed the 'The Acorn Fund' we looked together at the application form and discussed ideas around this. Next week we will continue this. Miss Crook to chase the catering around feedback from the spoons.

27th March 2024

The school council met and the names of the fish were revealed! The children felt happy and proud.

Miss Crook shared that requests have been sent to the catering team about their feedback and the school council are awaiting feedback.

We spoke about an upcoming task around our behaviour policy for after half term and Miss Crook listened to some feedback.

The school council stated;

Some teachers forget to change cards resulting in some children losing Golden time

The children spoke positively about Golden Time

The children spoke about more exciting activities and mixing classes.

The children showed interest in different golden time activities around school with different teachers.

The children spoke highly of staff and said all staff were positive and kind.

After half term Miss Tilbrook will be joining us to discuss a future Art project in summer Term. The Art Exhibition will be called 'This is me' this will be throughout school and Miss Tilbrook has asked for the school councils suppport with organising the event and fundraising. 


20th March 2024

We have discussed the most popular names for the fish from around school. The final 15 names are;

Nemo, Bob, Rose,Goldie, Daisy, Bubbles, Jeff, Leah, Dory, Crystal, Bubble, Jaws. Loci Stich and Angel. 

The council are also working on a few requests by staff and pupils around school meals. We have contacted Miss Dunning before we progress our complaints. 


Our fish have arrived! Delivered perfectly to their new home by Aqua Rentals🐟🐠🐡

Our school council are feeling extremely proud and so thankful to Miss Dunning for reading their letters which were extremely persuasive and actioning their wins! They now have the wonderful task of discussing with their class names for the fish and bringing ideas back to their next meeting with Miss Crook.


John Healey (The Shadow Secretary of State for Defence and a member of the UK Shadow Cabinet) met with our school council and Miss Crook thhe answered our questions and gave us lots of interesting information and support for further projects!

6th March 2024

The school council met today and shared their letters with her. They have also produced some questions for our visit from MP John Healey on Friday.

1st March 2024

Miss Crook shared the letter with the school council to go out to parents. Mrs Pursell will be actioning this today.

The children showed a keen interest in a pet for school during discussions. They decided that a fish tank would be a great idea to have in school to help children feel calm and regulate their emotions. It would help children at Brookfield to have a sense of responsibility in caring for animals. The children also felt it would make the entrance more appealing to visitors and if you are feeling unwell it could relax and calm you. The school council have decided to write letters to Miss Dunning. They have also spoken to Miss Dunning during their lunch time meeting about their ideas.

21st February 2024

Miss Dunnings has given the school council a task of fundraising for some friendships benches.

The school council thought that this was a great idea and would help children if they are sad. Teachers and pupils will be able to see and help children easily.

All playgrounds have only 1 bench in. The children have researched the prices of benches and signs/paint to paint the current benches if we dont raise sufficient funds.

Ideas for fundrasing include;

Selling sweets

Selling books

Party day

non uniform day


After discussion the school council have decided to plan a 'Friendship Day' to raise money. 'Friends-Day-Wednesday'

The day will include;

An assembly presented by the school council to launch the day.

All children to come to school dressed in bright colours. 

Donations from parents 

Activities in class around friendship


Next Steps;

Miss Crook will arrange a day and write a letter to organise the event.

Miss Crook willl invite Miss Tilbrook to discuss her Art project.

Behaviour policy feedback from pupils - Set task.







31st January 2024

The school discussed the upcoming valentine's disco and song requests. We also sent emails to staff to action ideas and requests.

Next steps

Art project

Summer Fayre

Behaviour Policy

24th January 2024

Discussed the new date confirmed for John Healey - Children to request questions from their class to prepare for this.

We discussed playtimes and lunchtimes and how they can be improved at Brookfield Junior Academy

They discussed tyres and mugga is timetabled everyday apart from a Thursday.

The school council would like Thursday to be a 'games' day They would like to try new games in the Mugga together so for example some Y3 and Y5 can play. They discussed Mugga monitors. 

The school council in KS1 discussed play ground leaders and they enjoy playing with them.

We discussed after school clubs and they expressed interest in basket ball, Cheerleading and Tennis and Badminton (as promised) 

The children expressed the need for outdoor equipment - skipping ropes, hula hoops, bat and balls.

Discussed rewards - children are keen on texts home and their parents knowing that they stay green. Miss Crook to follow this up with Teachers. Children discussed star badges and liking them.

They all discussed heart shapes cookies for Valentines disco.

Reminder about Reading certificates for all teachers - The school council are keen on this.

Next steps

To discuss requests for the school Valentines disco and feedback next week

Up comming Summer Fayre

Behaviour policy







6th December 2023

Last week the school council were extremely busy wrapping up the Christmas presents for the stall and promoting the stall with their class.

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This week we have discussed promoting strategies and made videos to post on Facebook to help support the sales of the Christmas gifts.


The School council have also been talking to Miss Harrop about developing the outdoor area. Miss Harrop as promised to look into this further.


Miss Crook discussed John Healey's visit on Friday 12th January 2024 

Next steps: To discuss questions with their class - What questions do we want to ask John Healey? 



15th November 2023

We met as a school council and read the replies from Teachers together. the school council were unhappy with some replies but happier with others.

The school council are happy that Miss Dunning's and Mrs Watson have arranged for more themed deserts at lunch time and are excited for the first one this Friday! This is due to Freja writing to Miss Dunning about making these changes! Well done Freja!

Tupo wrote a letter to Miss Dunning about more trips out of school. Miss Dunning then spoke to Teachers to ensure that his request was granted. Below is the termly plan for trips. Well done Tupo for making such a difference!

Charm wrote a letter to Miss Keywood about a after-school cheerleading club. This wish has also been granted by the lovely Miss Keywood and Miss Handisides. 

Jaxon wrote to Miss Harrop about organising more Nature/outdoor learning and Miss Harrop is looking into developing this further across school! Miss Harrop is also working with our Y1 children around developing the outdoor areas. She will be designing, planning and making some models. Miss Harrop is going to share these with the school council in the near future. 

Y6 Spoke fondly of their session from UK parliament week. They feel that they have educated their class and some children were even interested in this becoming a career in the future. 

Y5 Spoke fondly of their session from UK Parliament week and said that lots of their class asked interesting  questions. 

Next steps

Chase up any replies from the letters

Start to wrap and price up school council Xmas gifts for parents




Meeting 8th November 2023

We met today as a school council and the children were thrilled that so many of their suggestions have already been actioned by Miss Dunning and the Teachers.

The school council continued to write letter to Miss Dunning and other members of staff.

Miss Crook informed the school council of John Healeys visit in January.

The school council also discussed UK Parliament week and have taken back some lesson planning/further reading to share with their peers.

The school council have spoken to Miss Handisides and she and Miss Keywood have agreed to do Gymnastics and Cheerleading after clubs. Gymnastics will be in Autumn term 2 and cheerleading in Spring term 1.

The reading club are going to decorate the libraries for Christmas and put out a display of Christmas books as suggested by the school council.

The House Team points discos have restarted thanks to the School Council and Miss Dunning. 

Miss Dunning and Mr Dawson have agreed to run tutor clubs after school again. This has been suggested by our wonderful school council.

More 'wear what make you happy' days added to the calender. 

Each representative was given a school council badge today! Wear with pride you are making a huge difference!

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Next Steps

Next week - feedback regarding UK Parliament week

To look at the presents gifted from parents and what we need to do next.

Review any replies from more letter sent to Miss Harrop, Miss Handisides, Miss Keywood and Miss Dunning.

18th October 2023

Discussed Christmas presents for parents - Miss Crook shared sending out an email and Facebook post to parents and staff

Discussed discussions with staff around our ideas.

School counsellors started writing letters and making posters around;

Gymnastics and cheerleading and sports events

School dinners

 Christmas present donations

House team discos. 

Christmas decorations

Lending libraries 

Tutoring club

All the children were very enthusiastic - we will continue writing letters next week. 


Next steps

To continue writing letters to staff about issues raised

Miss Crook to continue promoting the Christmas gift donations

Next meeting we discuss decorating the library for Xmas

Miss Crook to continue setting up the lending Libaries of school. 


Meeting 11th October 2023

We met today as a school council and discussed feedback from each class. Each representative had the opportunity to speak to members of their class to gather ideas on how the school council can help to improve and develop school further.


Y6 pupils thought that fundraising was a really good idea 

More events eg scavenger hunts possibly outside?

Raise money for Cancer Research/other charities  

Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

Bring back house team discos



More non-uniform days to support mental health - Children enjoyed the recent 'Wear what makes you happy day'

Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

The children requested a new canopy for KS2.

More school trips

Bring back house team discos

Gymnastics club

Cheerleading club



Worries around swimming costumes/trunks (spares)

School decorations - Halloween/Christmas

Climbing equipment on the field.

Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

Bring back house team discos

Tutor/Home work club to help children learn.

More competitions - bring things from home.



Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

Bring back house team discos

More plants outside

Planting club



Children would like more toys for play outdoors.

Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

Bring back house team discos


FS1 & FS2

Bring back and hot dogs, chicken nuggets and meatballs and spaghetti.

More outdoor equipment in EYFS


Next steps

Writing letters to address some of these worries/concerns

Miss Crook to bring envelopes, writing paper and pens.


Meeting 4th October 2023

We met as a new school council for the first time this year. Miss Crook introduced their job role and explained how important their role is. Each representative is now aware of their roles and responsibilities. 

We discussed some ideas and agenda's to work on this academic year. Our vision is to find ways of raising money to enable us to improve the school and opportunities for the pupils of Brookfield Junior Academy.

Some ideas discussed by the school council representatives:

More events after school eg discos

More after-school clubs

Selling school magazine to raise money and give children  activities to do at home. 

Selling sweets eg for RND

Selling activity packs

Making gifts and selling them

More PE/Playground equipment

School teams eg football, dancing, gymnastics

Custom hoodies

Sensory room/ toy development

Raise money for charities such as cancer research


Apply for some grants 

Decorate school for special occasions

Maths Equipment 

Art resources/Art lessons

Movie nights 


 Next steps

To take these ideas back to class and discuss them. 

Prepare to present the ideas from their class and present this to the school council next week.