Cherry (Y4)
Welcome to Year 4 Maple class with Mrs Miller. Our class is supported by Mrs Platts, Miss Dickinson and Miss North.
This page includes useful information about our learning, daily expectations and key dates.
Important information
Our PE days in Spring 1 are:
Monday - swimming (requires a swimming kit including swimming hat, no jewellery allowed)
Tuesday - PE kit (no jewellery to be worn in PE lessons)
Our weekly spelling tests are on Monday. New spellings will be given weekly and stuck in planners. Please use spelling shed to practice at home.
Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Friday.
Key Dates for Spring Term 1
Thursday 9th January - Snow White Panto
Wc: 27th January - National story telling week
Wc 3rd February Children's mental health awareness week
7th February - feel good Friday (time to talk)
10th & 11th February Safer internet day
13th February - Valentines Disco
Spring Term 2
25/2/25 Murton Park Stone Age visitor
26/2/25 & 27/2/25 Music workshop
6/3/25 World Book day
13/3/25 Comic Relief
14/3/25 Creswell Crags trip
18/3/25 Parents evening
Everyday equipment
Children should ensure they have a water bottle, a reading book and their planner daily.
Planners are checked on a Friday to monitor the weekly reads. Children should read at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their planner.
This half-term, we will be reading The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams.
We will be writing different genres: stories, poetry, advice and fact sheets and internal monolgues.
In the spring term, we will be exploring multiplication and division, fractions and decimals. We will also be investigating length and perimeter. We will be starting our maths lessons with daily times table practice.
Geography - Record Breakers
This half-term we will be studying Great Britain and the world. We will be looking at the four countries that make up the UK and countries beyond the UK. We will look at the longest rivers and highest mountains in the Uk and in the world. We will locate countries and capital cities on maps.
We will be focusing on collage skills. We will be studying Van Gogh and using his famous "Sunflowers" as inspiration.
This half-term, our computing unit is Scratch - sequencing sounds.
In RE, we will be learning about Hindus and what they believe God is like.
Our enquiry question this half-term is:
- How do I manage my feelings?
- How do I keep my body healthy?
- How do I get a healthy diet?
We will also be looking at online danger and sharing information online.
In Science, we will be studying Plants.
Useful websites