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 At Brookfield Junior Academy we support pupils, staff and families with their well-being. Miss Dunning and Mrs Moore completed the Senior Mental Health Leaders training which was funded through the Department of Education. 

We aim for our children to be well-rounded individuals with a positive outlook on the world, with strategies learnt to help them deal with situations that they may encounter in their life. These strategies are taught within the classroom and assemblies, or in small groups or 1-1 sessions with key individual children.

In March 2023 we held a mindfulness day and all pupils had the opportunity to engage in a yoga and mindfulness session.




Staff wellbeing

We have a staff wellbeing group with Mrs Moore, Miss Tilbrook, Mrs Beesley, Mrs Pounder and Miss Dickinson. They liaise with staff to arrange a variety of fun events for the whole staff team. They regularly consult with staff to gain their voice and support them with their role. Annually, ACET prepare a staff wellbeing survey which staff are encouraged to participate in. ACET senior leaders then use this data to improve and amend practices for staff. 

Along with the pupils, staff held their own pumpkin carving competition. Well done to Mrs Watson, our catering manager, for winning this year. 


Brookfield Junior Academy have the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) as a partner agency. We work with our colleagues at CAMHS to support individual pupils who are struggling with their mental health and need a bespoke service.  

If you are concerned about your child's mental health you can speak to their class teacher or Miss Dunning or Mrs Moore. You can also gain further information be accessing their website.

With me in mind

We are excited to announce that we have been successful in our application to become a 'with me in mind' academy. Staff will be receiving training in December 2023 with the role out of the service in 2024.

You can find out further information on this service and how it can benefit your child and family. With me in mind

In school events

Mrs Pounder is our welling lead and regularly plans lots of citing and dun events for the whole school. These involve 'Feel good Fridays' where children are invited to wear clothing of their choice. Staff organise lots of activities to help  our pupils feel good and to support their mental health. 


Solihull Approach have released recent resources to support parents/carers where children are due to experience a transition to another school; it includes advice and support around smartphones, SEND and supporting their child’s wellbeing as well as practical support for the change. Here is the website here to share with families.