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Maple (Y3/4)

Welcome to Year 3/4 Maple class with Miss Keywood. Our class is supported by Mrs Platts.

This page includes useful information about our learning, daily expectations and key dates.

Spring 2


In this unit, we will learn about the concept of ecosystems and biomes. It begins with a global overview of major biomes and their relation to climate. Students will study how animals and plants are adapted to the ecosystems and biomes, before continuing their study of South America by examining key biomes on that continent. The final lesson ties learning about the Amazon rainforest from the previous unit with ecosystem and biomes.


Key vocabulary


In science, students will make lots of observations and then come back to review them, and see what changes have happened, later in the year. We will look at grouping and classifying a range of animals and look at how they are adapted to their different habitats. There is a significant crossover with Geography, particularly in the second half of this unit.  Much of what the students do in science can be taught in the context of the things they are learning in Geography. 

Key vocabulary


This half-term, we will be finishing ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ and writing our own narratives inspired by the story.

Our main class text for this half-term is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.


Year 3 pupils learn maths with Ms Green (Y3/4 teacher) and year 4 pupils learn maths with Miss Keywood (Y3/4 teacher). In maths, we follow the White Rose curriculum.

This half-term we will be learning about measurement and perimeter. We will then be moving on to fractions, which will lead on to learning about decimals (y4).



We will be continuing work on Henri Rousseau. 


This half-term, out unit is based around data logging. Children will explore this by using a micro:bit device.


In RE, we will be looking at festivals with a focus on Easter, Diwali and Ramadan.


Our enquiry questions this half-term are:

 How should we treat people who are different?

Important information

Our PE days are on Mondays – Year 3 and 4. (Year 4 require a swimming kit)

Our languages lessons are on Thursdays – Year 3 and 4.

Our weekly spelling tests are on Thursdays. New spellings will be given weekly and stuck in planners. Please use spelling shed to practice at home. 

Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Friday. 

Everyday equipment 

Children should ensure they have a water bottle, reading book and their planner daily.

Planners are checked on a Friday to monitor the weekly reads. Children should be reading at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their planner. 

Key dates

Christmas craft sessions - Monday 4th December (PM) & Thursay 7th December (AM)

Christmas jumper and dinner day - Thursday 7th December 

KS2 Christmas concert - Thursday 14th December 

June 2024 – Multiplication tables check for Year 4 pupils.

Useful websites