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There are many elements to the teaching and learning of Maths: it is not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems and investigate) and also to talk knowledgeably about mathematical working (reasoning).


At Brookfield Junior Academy, we value the principles behind the Mastery approach to teaching Mathematics. We quickly identify children who need support to achieve their curriculum objectives and provide high quality support in personalised intervention sessions by Teachers, HLTA's and Learning Support Assistants.

The depth of learning principles allow children to enjoy a range of investigations, activities and games, which really consolidates their understanding and ensures they are best prepared for their next academic year. In this way, they are applying their understanding and skills in different (and often real-life) contexts.

The 5 Big Ideas - Mastery Maths

  • Coherence

Connecting new ideas to concepts that have already been understood, and ensuring that, once understood and mastered, new ideas are used again in next steps of learning, all steps being small steps

  • Representation and Structure

Representations used in lessons expose the mathematical structure being taught, the aim being that students can do the Mathematics without recourse to the representation

  • Mathematical Thinking

If taught ideas are to be understood deeply, they must not merely be passively received but must be worked on by the student: thought about, reasoned with and discussed with others.

  • Fluency

Quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.

  • Variation

Varying the way a concept is initially presented to students, by giving examples that display a concept as well as those that don’t display it. Also, carefully varying practice questions so that mechanical repetition is avoided, and thinking is encouraged.


Our Calculation Policy outlines not only the progression of written methods, but also the theory and principles behind these methods. This document can be accessed at the bottom of the page.



Brookfield Junior Academy teachers use a range of resources to support children throughout their Mathematics learning, including when learning new content.

We believe in the concrete – pictorial – abstract principle, where children need to use resources to ‘do’ and ‘see’ the Maths, before using images, and then being able to work independently. This does not just happen during children’s early years, but throughout their Maths learning. For example, Upper Key Stage 2 children would use Base10 resources to ‘see’ calculations with decimals before being able to ‘do’ the Maths without them.


Numicon is a key feature of our EYFS and early KS1 children’s Maths learning – it is used in play and in explicit teaching of number facts / early calculation. Dienes are used for Y1 onwards to demonstrate calculation strategies, including those with decimals, and cuisinaire rods are also used, particularly when learning fractions.  Tens Frames are used from EYFS and through KS1 to embed the understanding of the value of 10 and number bonds.

Images are also a key feature of our Maths teaching and learning. They support children to understand the Maths (when it is related to real life) and indeed children are encouraged to ‘show’ the Maths by drawing their own images. (Can they draw 3 x 5 to demonstrate an understanding of arrays?) They also invent and solve their own word problems from a range of mathematically rich illustrations.



Being able to talk about Maths, explain what is happening and use it to solve problems is a very important part of Maths at Brookfield. Children are encouraged to talk about their Maths. 

Problem solving, activities and investigations are a key part of a sequence of Maths lessons.

Please click here for the Maths Curriculum Intent


Please click below to see our Long-Term Planning for each year group.    

Year 1 Maths LTP

Year 2 Maths LTP

Year 3 Maths LTP

Year 4 Maths LTP

Year 5 Maths LTP

Year 6 Maths LTP


All children at Brookfield Junior Academy are clear about our Mathematics Expectations.  These are stuck in the front of every Maths book.


If you have any questions about how Maths is taught within the school or how to further support your children at home, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Miller (Maths Lead). 

 Parent Support Guides


If you have any questions about how MATHS is taught within school or how to further support your children at home please do not hesitate to contact Miss Sales or Mrs Pounder (MATHS Leads).


Games to Support Maths (you can navigate from here to all ages and topics)