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Striving for




Beech (Y6)

Welcome to Y6 Beech Class


Beech class teacher is Mrs Miller,

Supported by Miss Dickinson and Mrs Beesley.

We have a wonderful year of learning ahead of us with lots of opportunities to grow as independent, enthusiastic and creative individuals.

Although Year 6 can be recognised as an academically challenging year, it is also filled with exciting opportunities to increase our independence, and explore new prospects. As our Golden Pledges state, we will respect, support, and be kind to each other to ensure our success throughout the year.

This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y6 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.

PE information

Our PE day for Autumn 2 is Tuesday. 

 Please ensure children have the correct PE kit and no jewellery to be worn. 

Everyday Equipment 

Children should ensure they have a water bottle, reading book and their planner daily.

Planners are checked on a Friday to monitor the weekly reads. Remember children should be reading at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their planner. 

Our weekly Spanish lessons are on a Thursday.

Our spelling test is on a Monday.

Our times tables test is on a Friday.

 English and Maths homework needs to be returned by Friday. We know lots of you enjoy being creative as well, please find below a homework menu your child is more than welcome to complete

Summer Key Dates 

Summer 1 

29th April - International Dance Day

6th May - Bank Holiday - School Closed

13th May - SPaG SATs exam

14th May - Reading SATs exam

15th May -  Arithmetic and Paper 2 Reasoning (Maths) SATs exam

16th May - Paer 3 Reasoning (Maths) SATs exam 

17th May 1pm Y6 V Parents Rounders match (weather permitting!)

21st May - Magna trip (provisionally booked) 

24th May - Topic Showcase 2:45pm 

24th May - Last Day of term 

Summer 2 

3rd June - School opens 

6th June - Parent's Residential meeting 3pm 

18th June - Sports Day

21st June - World Music Day 

Week beginning 1st July - Art week 

1st - 3rd July - Residential at Parsons House

4th July - Graduation

4th July - Boogledybooks

4th July - Y6 Prom (5 - 7pm) 

5th July - Reports out 

16th July - Summer Fayre 2 - 4pm 

23rd July - Last day of term. 

Summer Learning 

Summer 1 Curriculum 



Spring Learning 

We will be reading Skellig and Tom's Midnight Garden in English. 

Spring 1

Spring 2 


Autumn 2

Important Dates: 

Monday 30th October -Halloween Disco 

Thursday 9th November - Boggledybooks visiting 

Thursday 16th November - Parents Evening 

Friday 24th November - Inset Day (School closed to pupils) 

Thursday 7th December - Christmas Dinner 

Monday 18th December - Christmas Film Night 

Wednesday 20th December - KS2 Christmas Disco 

Friday 22nd December - Inset Day (School Closed to pupils) 

Autumn 2 Learning

In English, we are continuing to read "Treason"  by Berlie Doherty. We will be writing a historical narrative, a newspaper and letter. 


This is our exciting curriculum for Autumn 2. In Geography, we will be studying rivers and will carry out a field study based on the River Don. We will be looking at how the water cycle works. In Science, we will be investigating materials. In DT, we will be creative and making something exciting combing materials and sewing skills!

Autumn 1

Important Dates: 

Thursday 12th October 2023 - Harvest Festival at St John's Church

Tuesday 17th October 2023 – Visit to Crucial Crew

Thursday 16th November 2023 - Parents' Evening (letters sent out soon to book appointments)  


Our class text for this term is 'Treason’ by Berlie Doherty, an exciting story set in the Tudor period. It is full of adventure, danger and hope! Children will explore vocabulary from the Tudor period and write for a range of genres including diary entries, newspapers and a historical narrative.

The children have written some excellent diaries from William's perspective about the death of his brother. 



In Maths, we will focus on developing and consolidating skills taught in previous years and preparing for our SATS. We will complete daily arithmetic questions. We will focus on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division, finishing with fractions. Children will have opportunities to apply these skills to reasoning and problem solving questions on a daily basis.

In Science, we will learn about Growing Up, focusing on:

1. What is your timeline?

2. What changes will happen in the school grounds this year?

3. What happens in a mammalian life cycle?

4. What does gestation mean?  and what happens in gestation?

5. Are insect life cycles all the same?

6. What about amphibians?

7. What are the features of a bird’s life cycle?


In History, we will learn about the Tudors, finding out through enquiry:

  1. The Tudors: who, what, when?
  2. Was Henry VII a murderer?
  3. Why did Henry VIII have so many wives?
  4. What can we learn about the Tudors from the Mary Rose?
  5. How different was life in Tudor England to our own?
  6. Was Henry VIII the most significant Tudor?

In Art and Design, we will be studying the work of the Italian artist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He liked to create portraits incorporating fruits and vegetables.


Residential will take place the week commencing 1st July at Parson House, Peak District. Please ensure you have returned your consent form and paid your deposit on ParentPay by 27th October 2023. 

There will be a meeting later in the year to discuss kit, itinerary etc. 



Y6 to Y7 Transition 

Open evening information for Wath and Swinton Academy has been shared. 


Useful websites: 

SATs Bootcamp  - every child has their own log in and can access a wealth of SATs resources 

TT Rockstars - every child has their own login. Children are encouraged to practise their tables regularly and school often run tournaments. 

Spelling Shed - every child has their own login and can access Spelling Shed to play a variety of games to practise their spellings  

Tinkercad - a computer design programme - children have a log in 

primary homework help - a great resource covering various topics